Convent Road, Camp Belagavi 590001

Theme of the year: Be a loving-joyful presence in the world

0831 2421504

08:30 - 16:00

Monday to Saturday

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

List of Short Listed Form Nos. – LKG Admission


The selected candidates need to confirm their seats by sending a SMS with their names and form number to the School Number i.e., 9481713878 
latest by  8th August 2020.

Format for sending SMS
Form No.
Confirmation: Yes

This notice is only to inform the candidates who are provisionally selected for Jr. K.G. to St. Joseph- Canossa Kinder Garten, Camp Belagavi.  The complete admission process will be done when the official order comes from the Department. The second list will be informed personally by the 3rd week of August 2020

1 108 261 407 577 782
5 114 262 426 594 787
9 126 265 437 595 792
11 129 273 449 597 804
12 133 282 453 599 812
15 136 287 455 603 815
17 142 288 462 605 823
18 150 297 466 606 829
21 154 301 478 612 836
22 155 304 482 614
23 162 306 484 634
29 165 308 489 637
30 169 310 495 640
34 171 312 496 641
44 179 316 500 646
48 183 318 501 650
51 186 329 503 655
55 188 335 514 656
64 194 339 516 661
70 207 343 525 673
72 208 354 540 682
80 211 361 542 694
83 225 369 544 698
84 233 372 552 701
85 239 375 553 715
86 241 377 557 728
91 244 385 560 738
93 245 391 561 744
97 250 401 568 748
101 255 406 571 768

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