Convent Road, Camp Belagavi 590001

Theme of the year: Be a loving-joyful presence in the world

0831 2421504

08:30 - 16:00

Monday to Saturday

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

250th Birth Anniversary year of St. Magdelene of Canossa Inaugurated at St Joseph’s Convent High School.






The Inauguration of the 250th Birth Anniversary of St. Magdalene of Canossa, the Foundress of Canossian Congregation across the globe was held at the campus of St. Joseph’s Convent High School, Camp, Belagavi, on Friday, 3rd March.

The program commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the Manager, Sr. Natalia D’mello, Sr. Mary Abraham, Principal of the High School, Heads of various sectors, and student representatives. In her address, Sr. Shoba briefed about the life of St. Magdalene.

Magdalene Gabriella of Canossa was born in Verona, Italy on March 1, 1774 in a noble family. She left the luxurious life of the palace to become a nun and started various institutions due to which millions of the poor and underprivileged were served in the society. She also informed that a large number of Sisters are serving in India and abroad in various institutions rendering quality education and Social Service and Medical Assistance in the Hospitals and Dispensaries of their own. In India alone, there are 3 Provinces and 1 Delegation.

St. Joseph’s Convent High School, founded in1889 and Divine Providence High School founded in 1922 are the 2 institutions in Belagavi managed by the Canossian Sisters, rendering excellent services in the field of education. Sr. Natalia D’mello also spoke on the occasion. The students sang hymns to St. Magdalene.

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